Compostable Plastics D2W Plastics News Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics Recycling Plastics

The Truth About Plastic Recycling

The Complexities of Plastic Recycling and Potential Solutions

Recycling and composting have long been touted as the ultimate solution for plastic waste, a rapidly escalating global problem. The truth about plastic recycling, however, is complex and the process is not as straightforward as we once believed, as revealed in a recent in-depth video analysis. It discussed the challenges and complexities surrounding plastic recycling, with an emphasis on emerging solutions and a focus on Bio-Transformative Plastics as a viable alternative.

China Shuts its Doors to Plastic Waste

The video begins by examining the implications of China’s decision to stop accepting plastic waste from developed countries. The Chinese government cited the poor quality of incoming plastic as a significant issue, causing harm to their workers and environment. After accounting for healthcare and environmental remediation costs, they found it was no longer economically viable.

What Happens to Our Plastic Now?

With China out of the picture, other developing countries in Asia, like Malaysia, have become the go-to destinations for our waste. However, due to the lack of efficient waste management systems, much of this waste still ends up in landfills or incinerated, contributing to pollution.

Additionally, as we relied heavily on China for years, we’re now faced with a lack of developed domestic recycling infrastructure, leading to a closure of many collection and sorting operations. Municipalities like Philadelphia are turning to waste-to-energy plants, or incinerators, as an alternative, but this process may release harmful pollutants.

Changes in Recycling Regulations and the Role of Oceanworks

Regulators are reconsidering our recycling systems, with Maine leading the way as the first US state to adopt an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) law for plastic packaging. This policy shifts the recycling costs from taxpayers to packaging brands and encourages the development of recyclable products and reuse schemes.

Oceanworks, an online marketplace, is attempting to create a market for recycled plastic independent of any specific country. They have established a supply chain for ocean-bound plastic, intercepting plastic before it enters the ocean and providing manufacturers with the raw material.

Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics: A Viable Solution

While the video explores numerous innovative solutions such as mushroom and algae-based packaging, it does not touch on the potential of Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics. An example of this is Biobottles, which decompose safely without leaving behind harmful microplastics, a significant environmental issue.

Oxo-biodegradable plastics are designed to degrade and then biodegrade in the open environment in the same way as nature’s waste. The process begins with the reaction of an additive with oxygen, leading to the breakdown of the plastic’s molecular structure over a pre-programmed period, leaving no harmful residues.

Biobottles made from Oxo-biodegradable plastics provide a significant solution as they disintegrate into biodegradable components without the release of microplastics, a leading cause of water and soil pollution.

The Future of Plastic Recycling

Clearly, plastic recycling is a complex system that needs continuous improvement to be a viable solution for our waste problem. As the video highlights, several initiatives are ongoing to improve the economic viability of recycled plastic. Upcycling methods and the use of alternative, plastic-free materials are promising future solutions.

However, in addition to these innovations, a shift in consumer behavior is crucial. We should strive to buy more plastic-free goods whenever possible and demand more transparency and accountability from the plastic industry and politicians. Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics like Biobottles, which leave behind no microplastics, are a viable option for a greener future.

This sustainable approach, combined with innovative recycling techniques and solutions, can help us overcome the growing global challenge of plastic waste. The road may be long, but the goal of a cleaner, healthier environment is within reach.

Bio-Transformative Plastics: A Deeper Dive

Bio-Transofrmative plastics, like Biobottles™, have emerged as an innovative solution to the problematic lifecycle of traditional plastic. Through an advanced process, these plastics break down into harmless, natural components without leaving behind harmful microplastics, which are a significant cause of pollution in water bodies and soil.

The technology behind these plastics involves the use of specific additives that cause the plastic to degrade when exposed to heat, light, and oxygen. This degradation process fragments the plastic into small, bio-assimilable materials that are consumed by microorganisms, completing the cycle back to nature. This approach contrasts sharply with conventional plastics, which can take hundreds of years to degrade, littering our landscapes and oceans with harmful microplastics.

Biobottles™, made from these Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics, are therefore designed with the environment in mind. By ensuring that they disintegrate into biodegradable components, the manufacturers take significant steps toward minimizing environmental damage caused by plastic waste.

The Importance of Conscious Consumer Behavior

While the production and recycling of plastic remain critical areas to address, consumer behavior plays a significant role in the bigger picture. By choosing to buy plastic-free goods or those made from Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics like Biobottles™, consumers can drive demand for more sustainable alternatives. Additionally, by demanding greater transparency and accountability from both the plastic industry and politicians, consumers can encourage a move towards improved waste management and recycling systems.

Looking Forward: A Multifaceted Approach

The future of plastic recycling undeniably involves a multifaceted approach. Recycling and upcycling initiatives must continue to evolve and adapt, providing economically viable and environmentally friendly solutions for plastic waste.

Innovations like Biobottles™ show great promise in their ability to reduce environmental damage. Still, they should be part of a broader effort to reduce the overall production of plastic waste, improving recycling infrastructure and encouraging the use of alternative, plastic-free materials.

Ultimately, the path to overcoming the global challenge of plastic waste will be paved with a mix of innovative solutions, conscientious consumption, and improved regulatory measures. With concerted effort and focus, a cleaner, healthier environment is an achievable goal.

Compostable Plastics D2W Plastics News Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics Recycling Plastics

Unpacking ASTM D6954: How PlasticIQ & Biobottles Meets and Exceeds Standards

The prevalence of plastic waste is a universal problem, one that requires effective and eco-friendly solutions. As plastic pollution mounts, innovators across the globe are developing solutions to help counteract this growing concern. One such solution is PlasticIQ, a groundbreaking product that is not only in full compliance with the ASTM D6954 standard but also offers assurance about safety and efficiency.

The ASTM D6954 standard is a comprehensive guide developed by ASTM International. It sets out a detailed process for exposing and testing plastics designed to degrade in the environment via a blend of oxidation and biodegradation. The standard involves three crucial phases:

  1. Tier 1 – Controlled Environment Testing: This phase tests how well the plastic undergoes oxidative degradation in a controlled environment. The plastic is exposed to conditions simulating natural weathering, such as elevated temperatures and UV radiation. The goal is to ensure that the plastic can degrade and fragment into smaller pieces, increasing its surface area for more efficient biodegradation.
  2. Tier 2 – Controlled Environment Testing: The second phase involves assessing the biodegradability of the fragmented plastic material. This assessment is typically performed in simulated biological environments under lab conditions. The plastic’s biodegradability is then determined by monitoring the generated carbon dioxide over a set period.
  3. Tier 3 – Real-World Testing: The final tier evaluates the plastic material’s environmental impact post oxidative degradation and biodegradation. It investigates whether any toxic substances are released during the process and if any residual material causes harm to plant or animal life.

Compliant, Tested, and Safe: The Journey of Biobottles™ with PlasticIQ™

At Biobottles™, we are proud to affirm that our product passes each of these stringent testing phases laid out by the ASTM D6954 standard. Our product undergoes rigorous oxidative degradation under controlled conditions and then effectively biodegrades in simulated biological environments. We have also made sure that our product does not release any toxic substances or have any detrimental effects on the environment in real-world scenarios.

A Commitment to Transparency

Moreover, we believe in complete transparency and are dedicated to ensuring that our customers trust our solutions. We have subjected our product to independent third-party testing to provide further proof of its safety and efficacy.

PlasticIQ™ is more than just a technology; it’s a testament to our commitment to a greener and healthier planet. Our solution is not only tested and safe but also beneficial in mitigating plastic pollution. With Biobottles™ featuring PlasticIQ™ Technology, we offer a solution that is reliable, efficient, and mindful of our environment.

Continual Innovation with Dedication

As we continue to innovate and develop, our dedication to standards, safety, and sustainability remains unwavering. We assure you that with Biobottles™, you are choosing a product that meets rigorous standards and contributes positively to the planet’s future. We believe that every step towards reducing plastic waste counts, and with our PlasticIQ™ technology, that step can be a significant leap.

Overcoming Hesitations: PlasticIQ™ at Work

We understand that making the switch to environmentally-friendly plastic solutions can seem daunting. The perceived inconvenience or lack of reliability often becomes a deterrent. However, with Biobottles™ and our PlasticIQ™ Technology, these concerns are a thing of the past. Our product is designed to be as user-friendly as conventional plastic while offering a multitude of environmental benefits.

Compliance and Beyond: PlasticIQ™ and ASTM D6954

When you opt for PlasticIQ™ products, you are choosing something that is not only compliant with ASTM D6954 but surpasses it. Our plastic solution is subjected to a series of rigorous tests to ensure its degradability and safety. The results affirm our commitment to creating a product that aligns with the global effort toward a sustainable future.

Meeting Real-world Challenges

What truly sets PlasticIQ™ apart is the extent to which it passes ASTM D6954’s third and final tier – real-world testing. Many products may show promising results in the lab but fail when faced with the unpredictable conditions of the real world. However, PlasticIQ™ is designed to withstand these challenges and prove its effectiveness outside the controlled confines of a lab.

In addition, we always strive for transparency and accountability. PlasticIQ’s adherence to ASTM D6954 standards is not a claim we make lightly. We back it up with proof from independent, third-party testing. We want our customers to feel confident in the choices they make, and we believe that providing complete, unambiguous information is key to building that trust.

Beyond Alternatives: Safer, Smarter, and Better Solutions

Embracing PlasticIQ™ Technology means choosing an option that is safer for the environment, tested to the highest standards, and guaranteed to deliver as promised. It is not just about finding alternatives to traditional plastic – it’s about finding better, smarter, and safer solutions. And we believe PlasticIQ™ is exactly that.

We are in a critical phase of environmental conservation, and the choices we make today will significantly impact our future. By choosing Biobottles™ and PlasticIQ™, you are making a choice that benefits our planet. A choice that aligns with the principles of sustainability.

Choosing PlasticIQ™: A Testament to Sustainability

At Biobottles™, we understand the value of our planet and the importance of every single step taken toward its preservation. Our product is a testament to our commitment to this cause. With ASTM D6954 compliance, rigorous testing, and unwavering dedication to safety, we offer you a plastic solution you can trust. Choose PlasticIQ™, because every choice matters, and every step counts towards a healthier, greener planet.

While we at Biobottles™ are proud of our ASTM D6954 compliance and the rigorous testing our product undergoes, we believe it’s equally important to share how we maintain and consistently uphold these standards.

The Intelligent Composition of PlasticIQ™

PlasticIQ™ is crafted with an intelligent composition of additives that accelerate the oxidation process of the plastic under certain conditions. This process, which is entirely safe and leaves no harmful residue, allows the plastic to convert into a fine, waxy material that microorganisms can further break down. Each batch of Biobottles™ is meticulously tested to ensure that it begins and completes this transformation process within the expected time frame.

Beyond our laboratory doors, we continuously monitor the real-world performance of PlasticIQ™. We monitor all known field studies that expose our product and similar bio-transformative technologies to diverse environmental conditions and follow the degradation process and results from start to finish. By doing this, we can confidently say PlasticIQ™ performs optimally under various climatic conditions, is safe, and leaves behind no microplastics.

Safety: At the Heart of PlasticIQ™

We want to emphasize that safety is at the heart of everything we do. The entire degradation process of PlasticIQ™ Technology is designed to be non-toxic. Third-party tests consistently show that as plastic degrades, it doesn’t release any harmful substances into the environment. Moreover, once fully degraded, it doesn’t leave any toxic material behind.

At Biobottles™, we don’t just want to provide an alternative to conventional plastic – we want to redefine what you can expect from your everyday products. With PlasticIQ™, you’re not only investing in a high-quality product but also contributing to a sustainable future.

A Testament to Sustainable Innovation

Our product is a testament to our ongoing commitment to sustainable innovation. With a firm eye on the future, we continue to research and develop even more ways to make plastic use safe, sustainable, and beneficial for the environment.

Through our rigorous adherence to ASTM D6954 and our commitment to continuous improvement, we can proudly say that Biobottles™ with PlasticIQ™ Technology is more than just a product. It’s our promise to you – and to the planet – that we’re committed to making a difference.

Biobottles™ are not just a choice. They are a statement. A statement that you’re aware, responsible, and proactive about the future of our environment. And we’re here to help you make that statement. Choose PlasticIQ™ and Biobottles™ – for a safer, greener, and healthier planet.

Continuous Innovation for Better Sustainability

As Biobottles™ moves into the future, we are consistently taking steps to ensure the quality and safety of our product while innovating for better sustainability practices. We understand the importance of accountability, especially when it comes to our environment, and that’s why we are transparent about our compliance with ASTM D6954.

Our ongoing research ensures that PlasticIQ™ remains at the forefront of eco-friendly plastics, helping consumers like you make responsible choices without compromising on quality or safety. This commitment to continuous improvement is the cornerstone of our mission at Biobottles™.

Addressing Environmental Concerns: The Role of PlasticIQ™

We understand the environmental concerns surrounding plastic and its impact on our world. It’s a complex issue that requires complex solutions. But with PlasticIQ™, we’re helping to pave the way for responsible plastic use. Our ASTM D6954 compliance is just one way we’re showing our dedication to creating a product that is as safe as it is effective.

So when you choose Biobottles™ with PlasticIQ™ Technology, know that you are choosing a product that has undergone rigorous testing, ensuring that it not only meets but surpasses the high standards set by ASTM D6954. You’re also choosing a company that puts the health of our planet first, values innovation, and that believes in the power of sustainable practices to transform our world.

A Revolution in Plastic Technology: The Impact of Choosing PlasticIQ™

PlasticIQ™ based plastics are more than just eco-friendly alternatives to traditional plastics; it’s a revolution in plastic technology, aiming to change how we think about and use plastic. By choosing PlasticIQ™, you’re becoming part of that revolution. Together, we can create a more sustainable future, one piece of plastic at a time.

Choose PlasticIQ™. Choose to be a part of the change. Choose a future where plastic and the planet can coexist.

D2W Plastics News Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics Recycling Plastics

Oxo-Biodegradable Plastics and Plastic Waste: A Look at Biobottles and PlasticIQ Technology

In recent years, we’ve seen the emergence of various innovative technologies, all aiming to address the pressing issue of plastic waste. However, among the plethora of advancements, one has truly caught the eye – PlasticIQ™ Technology.

We would like to shed some light on a few facts about PlasticIQ™ to clarify some misconceptions and affirm its contribution to creating a more sustainable world:

PlasticIQ™ and BiobottlesPlastics are Bio-Transformative, not Compostable:

It’s essential to understand the distinction between “bio-transformative” and “compostability,” as these terms are not interchangeable. While PlasticIQ™ doesn’t comply with international compostability standards (ASTM D6400 or EN13432) because it doesn’t degrade as rapidly in a compost environment, this does not imply that PlasticIQ™ plastics won’t degrade. They will convert carbon into carbon dioxide over a more extended period than other materials like starch-based products. However, they do degrade, aligning with international biodegradability standards.

PlasticIQ™ Plastics Meet International Standards for Biodegradation:

PlasticIQ™ plastics are proven to bio-transform as per ASTM D5988, emphasizing their environmental friendliness. Though the standards are composting standards, not biodegradability ones, PlasticIQ™ plastics have scientifically demonstrated their ability to bio-transform in various disposal environments.

PlasticIQ™ Plastics Bio-Transform:

Contrary to the misconceptions, PlasticIQ™ plastics do not simply disintegrate into smaller pieces of plastic that pollute the environment. Instead, they physically disintegrate when exposed to air and sunlight or heat over time. The disintegrated products are chemically completely different and susceptible to degradation by microorganisms, allowing them to return to the eco-cycle. This process takes about 1-3 years, which is environmentally acceptable.

PlasticIQ™ Plastics are Compatible with the Post-Consumer Recycle Stream:

A study by the Québec government in Canada confirmed that polyethylene bags with PlasticIQ™ like additives are fully compatible with the recycling stream and can be labeled as recyclable. Plastic scraps containing PlasticIQ™ have shown to be recyclable in the plastics processing facility, and they retain their physical properties, making them ideal for the recycling process.

Safety of PlasticIQ™ Additives:

The catalysts typically used in PlasticIQ™ plastics, such as iron, manganese, or cobalt salts, have not shown to be eco-toxic under any of the conditions in which PlasticIQ™ products are used. Furthermore, PlasticIQ™ additives and finished products have been approved by food safety authorities such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), highlighting their safety for direct food contact applications.

In conclusion, the PlasticIQ™ technology is not just a leap in plastic technology; it’s a responsible step towards a more sustainable future. While staying affordable, it provides processors, consumers, and the environment with numerous benefits, including biodegradability, compatibility with recycling streams, and safety for direct food contact. Let’s embrace this breakthrough technology and step into a cleaner, greener future.

PlasticIQ™ & Similar Technologies Are Here To Stay

The future of single-use plastics seems increasingly uncertain, especially for ubiquitous items such as plastic straws, as concerns over environmental pollution rise. However, Chicago-based Best Diamond Plastics LLC is trying to reimagine these items to fit into a more sustainable world. The company is leveraging novel materials and technologies to create biodegradable and compostable alternatives to classic plastic straws.

Best Diamond, a leading supplier of straws to fast-food giants like McDonald’s, is exploring solutions developed by Smart Plastic Technologies LLC (SPT). SPT has produced two promising innovations – a bioassimilation additive and a new compostable material. These solutions aim to tackle the issue of plastic waste that often ends up littering our lands and waterways for centuries.

SPT’s bio assimilation additive is particularly impressive as it causes the plastic to degrade completely when exposed to oxygen, regardless of whether it is on land or in the sea. According to SPT CEO Tim Murtaugh, a straw treated with this additive could mostly break down within 18 months, with total biodegradation happening within five years or less.

In contrast, the new compostable material works only in composting environments, conforming to the industry standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). However, the material, similar to the currently popular polylactic acid (PLA), requires specific conditions to decompose and does not degrade in marine environments.

While the race to find alternatives to traditional plastic straws heats up, companies are also exploring different strategies to reduce their plastic waste. Starbucks, for example, is planning to eliminate plastic straws at its stores by 2020, instead opting for strawless lids and paper or compostable plastic straws. McDonald’s is testing a variety of alternatives across its global stores and has set an ambitious goal to source all packaging and straws from renewable, recycled, or certified sources by 2025.

This wave of innovation and commitment to sustainability is indicative of the future of single-use plastics. As we move forward, biodegradable, compostable, and renewable materials are expected to take center stage in the consumer goods industry. From straws to packaging, the approach to these items is being redefined, ushering in a new era of environmentally-conscious product design and disposal.

Saudi Arabia

The age of traditional, single-use plastics that persist in our environment for hundreds of years is beginning to fade. With new technological advancements and a shift towards sustainable practices, biodegradable plastics are rising to prominence, shaping a future where plastics no longer need to be a permanent blight on our beautiful planet.

Among the vanguard of this change is the enforcement of the SASO Technical Regulation (SASO TR) for degradable plastic products in Saudi Arabia. This progressive step by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) underscores the country’s commitment to environmental sustainability. The regulation aims to ensure that disposable plastic products—typically made of polypropylene and polyethylene and with a film thickness of 250 microns or less—are of the oxo-biodegradable type just like PlasticIQ™.

These plastics, widely used for packaging applications such as carrier bags and wraps, now have a lesser environmental footprint thanks to oxo-biodegradation technology. This transformative process enables these products to break down more efficiently when exposed to certain environmental conditions, easing the burden on our planet.

In a move to standardize and regulate this process, all degradable plastic products—whether imported or locally manufactured in Saudi Arabia—must bear the SASO “Oxo-biodegradable” logo. This requirement will enable consumers to make more environmentally conscious choices, and assure them that the products they’re using will degrade more safely and efficiently.

For those interested in understanding which plastic products fall under this regulation, or wish to view copies of the logo, Intertek provides the necessary information.

This move by Saudi Arabia is a strong indication of the shifting global mindset towards more sustainable materials. Biodegradable plastics are here to stay and are carving out their place as the responsible alternative for the future. As more countries and corporations begin to acknowledge the necessity for sustainable alternatives, the role of biodegradable plastics will continue to grow. It’s a new dawn in the world of materials, and the future looks greener for it.”


With increasing environmental concerns and subsequent regulations surrounding plastic usage, the potential benefits of oxo-biodegradable plastics like PlasticIQ™ have become a prominent focus for several nations. Among these countries, Rwanda has demonstrated significant success from the implementation of oxo-biodegradable technology in an effort to mitigate plastic pollution.

The Rwandan government, having previously banned plastics entirely, recently embarked on an extensive study in partnership with a leading oxo-biodegradable additive developer and manufacturer based in North America. This study aimed at testing the feasibility and environmental impact of oxo-biodegradable plastics in their environment.

The results were astonishing. After 3 ½ years of rigorous research, it was found that the oxo-biodegradable plastics degraded to a point within two years where they could be classified as biodegradable. Moreover, this degradation process was not harmful to plants or animals, with the material breaking down into carbon dioxide, water, and humus (soil).

This was a significant milestone for Rwanda. Due to the ban on plastics, the country’s packaging options were restricted to paper, twine, and paperboard, all of which had economic implications. With this positive outcome from the study, Rwanda now has the potential to reintroduce plastic packaging without contributing to plastic pollution.

The success of oxo-biodegradable plastics similar to PlasticIQ™ in Rwanda further underlines the potential of this technology to be a solution to plastic pollution. While the degradation process of these plastics does not encourage or excuse poor consumer behavior such as littering, it does provide an effective disposal method that reduces the environmental impact significantly.

It’s worth noting that Rwanda also has laws in place that cultivate a societal disdain for littering. They enforce a mandatory 15-minute neighborhood cleaning session for every citizen each month, thus creating a society where littering is actively discouraged. Coupled with the usage of oxo-biodegradable plastics, such proactive measures greatly contribute to the nation’s efforts to maintain a cleaner and healthier environment.

In conclusion, the case of Rwanda provides a promising example of how oxo-biodegradable plastics can help countries handle plastic waste more effectively. By striking a balance between utility, environmental preservation, and economic implications, this technology may indeed be the future of sustainable plastic use.



D2W Plastics News Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics Recycling Plastics

Plastic Recycling: A Deceitful Environmental Stratagem

Plastic Recycling Is Not What You Think

In a fascinating and insightful video, Rollie Williams, a climate science graduate student, skillfully unveiled the illusion that is plastic recycling. The video’s comedic delivery does not dull the alarming revelations it contains. It paints a vivid picture of how powerful industries have manipulated the concept of recycling and deceived the public for decades.

The narrative begins in the 1940s during World War II. The U.S. government motivated plastics companies to produce a flexible, lightweight material that would be beneficial to the war effort. In doing so, it unintentionally gave birth to the modern plastic industry, which sprang out from existing fossil fuel corporations and the chemical industry.

In the post-war era, Americans began to reuse plastic. However, lobby groups counteracted this by promoting a throwaway culture with advertisements encouraging consumers to discard and replace plastic items, promoting a concept of an unlimited, consequence-free supply of fossil fuels.

The plastic industry faced a significant obstacle in 1970: Earth Day. The public outcry led to political action against environmental pollution, posing a threat to the prosperity of plastic manufacturers. In response, the industry, alongside fossil fuel corporations, formed a front group called Keep America Beautiful. They crafted a potent narrative, blaming the public for pollution through a deceptive campaign.

In 1987, as calls for the end of single-use items intensified, the plastics industry employed a new strategy to prevent plastic bans. Despite internal industry documents clearly showing that plastic recycling was not economically viable, the industry invested heavily in promoting the concept of plastic recycling, creating a false sense of security among the public about plastic consumption.

An ingenious move was the introduction of the resin identification code (RIC). To an unsuspecting eye, RIC, introduced in 1988, resembled the recycling symbol. This symbol is found on every piece of plastic, though most plastics cannot be effectively recycled, and creating new plastic from fossil fuels is invariably cheaper.

Since its introduction, the industry has manipulated the recycling campaigns to its advantage, promoting them whenever environmental activism threatened their operations. This strategy successfully maintained the narrative that recycling was working, even though only 10% of plastics have ever been recycled.

So, what does this mean for the future? It highlights the need to demystify recycling and elevate the importance of reducing and reusing. As consumers, we must also recognize that individual actions alone cannot solve this problem; legislation played a significant role in creating it, and it should play an equally significant part in resolving it.

The fight against plastic pollution requires a collective effort, with numerous groups advocating for stricter plastic regulations. Despite the daunting challenge, we must join forces to pressure our governments to pass bans on single-use plastics, providing a meaningful response to a problem that threatens our planet.

In conclusion, the video leaves us with an undeniable truth: The plastic recycling narrative is a scam orchestrated by the plastics industry. The path to sustainable plastic use lies in reducing, reusing, and making informed decisions at a legislative level. If you’re interested in joining this fight, consider supporting the organizations advocating for plastic regulations. Together, we can make a significant impact.

Watch the full video here.

D2W Plastics Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics Recycling Plastics

The Challenges of Industrial Composting and Why It Doesn’t Always Work

In our ever-growing quest for sustainable solutions to manage waste and reduce our carbon footprint, industrial composting has been hailed as a game-changer. The idea is as simple as it is appealing: transform organic waste into nutrient-rich soil that can be used to fertilize crops and gardens, closing the loop in a circular economy. However, despite its potential and the widespread enthusiasm, industrial composting faces significant challenges that sometimes render the process inefficient or even unworkable. This article seeks to delve deeper into these challenges and explore why industrial composting doesn’t always work as intended.

Understanding Industrial Composting

Before we dive into the issues, let’s first establish a clear understanding of what industrial composting is. Essentially, it’s a controlled process of organic waste breakdown on a large scale. Through the action of microorganisms, organic materials such as food scraps, yard waste, and certain types of biodegradable waste are transformed into compost, a soil-like material rich in nutrients. This process, when done correctly, can significantly reduce the volume of waste going to landfills and produce valuable products for agriculture and gardening.


Despite its promise, industrial composting faces multiple challenges that are often complex and intertwined. Here are some of the most pressing:

1. Contamination

One of the most significant challenges in industrial composting is contamination. This primarily happens when non-compostable materials, such as plastics, glass, and metals, are mixed with compostable waste. These contaminants can be difficult to sort out and can degrade the quality of the resulting compost. Worse, if plastics break down into microplastics, they can end up in the soil and waterways, causing environmental harm.

2. Inconsistent Feedstock

The quality and characteristics of the organic waste used in composting, also known as the feedstock, can vary widely. This inconsistency can affect the composting process and the quality of the final product. For instance, a high amount of woody waste can slow down the composting process, while an overabundance of nitrogen-rich food waste can lead to odor issues.

3. Lack of Public Awareness and Participation

A successful industrial composting system requires active participation from the public. However, lack of awareness about what can and cannot be composted often leads to contamination. Furthermore, not all communities have access to industrial composting facilities, and many lack curbside collection programs for compostable waste, limiting the scope of these initiatives.

4. Regulatory Hurdles

The regulatory landscape for industrial composting varies from place to place and is often complex. Some regulations can inadvertently make it difficult to establish new composting facilities, while others may not adequately address issues such as odor control or environmental protections.

5. Economic Viability

Lastly, the economic viability of industrial composting is a significant challenge. The process requires substantial investments in infrastructure, equipment, and labor. Furthermore, the market for compost products is often uncertain, and composting facilities have to compete with synthetic fertilizers that are sometimes cheaper and more convenient to use.

Why Composting Doesn’t Always Work

Given these challenges, it’s clear that industrial composting doesn’t always deliver on its promises. Contamination can lead to low-quality compost or environmental harm, inconsistent feedstock can result in inefficient operations, and lack of public participation can limit the amount of waste that’s diverted from landfills. Regulatory hurdles can prevent the establishment of new facilities, while economic challenges can make it hard for existing ones to stay afloat.

Plastic Composting and the Role of Plastic IQ Technology

Plastic IQ technology has emerged as a potential game-changer in the realm of plastic waste management. Specifically, using bio-transformative plastics significantly shifts how we approach plastic waste. Bio-transformative plastics are designed to degrade in the presence of oxygen, light, and heat over a period of time, eventually breaking down into biodegradable components. This technology promises recyclability and compostability, which could revolutionize plastic waste management if widely adopted.

The ability to compost plastic waste is an attractive proposition. Currently, most plastic is in landfills or pollutes our oceans and landscapes because it does not break down naturally. Bio-transformative plastics, however, promise to change this narrative by transforming plastic waste into a material that can be composted industrially. This means that plastic waste could potentially be diverted from landfills and turned into a resource, contributing to the circular economy.

However, introducing these new types of plastics has been met with resistance from some stakeholders, particularly those invested heavily in traditional composting processes. The primary reason lies in the economic dynamics of the composting industry.

The composting industry, like many others, is driven by economics. Traditional compost, derived from organic waste like food scraps and yard waste, has a well-established market. It’s used extensively in agriculture and gardening, and composting facilities have a financial incentive to produce as much of it as possible. Introducing a new input—especially one as controversial and complex as plastic—poses significant risks and uncertainties.

Firstly, composting bio-transformative plastics requires precise control over conditions to ensure complete degradation, which can be more complex and costly than composting organic waste. Furthermore, there is uncertainty about whether compost that includes degraded plastic will be as marketable as traditional compost. If customers are wary of plastic-derived compost, it could hurt the bottom line of composting facilities.

Additionally, there’s an inherent conflict of interest. Composting facilities make money by processing organic waste, and they depend on a steady stream of this waste to stay profitable. Biodegradable or bio-transformative solutions like Plastic IQ threaten to disrupt this stream by reducing the amount of organic waste that needs composting. If plastic waste can be composted or biotransformed into other products, it could compete with traditional composting processes, impacting economic viability.

Thus, while Plastic IQ technology and similar innovations promise more sustainable plastic waste management, their adoption faces significant hurdles. Not only do they need to overcome technical and regulatory challenges, but they also have to navigate the complex economic dynamics of the waste management industry. Until these challenges are addressed, it’s likely that some stakeholders will remain resistant to these new solutions.

D2W Plastics News Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics

Bio-Plastic: A Sustainable Revolution in the Supplement Industry

Bio-plastic, an innovative product of modern scientific research, marks a significant shift towards sustainable material usage. Bio-plastics consist of renewable raw materials like corn, sugarcane, and cellulose. Their unique bio-transformative property offers a viable alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics. Which notoriously harm the environment due to their long degradation process.

This article will explore bio-plastic essence, potential benefits, and anticipated transformative impact on the supplement industry.

What is Bio-Plastic?

Bio-plastic represents a broad range of materials primarily derived from biomass sources such as plants. Researchers design these innovative materials to mimic the properties of traditional plastics but with a crucial difference. They can undergo bio-transformation under specific environmental conditions. This characteristic separates bio-plastics from their conventional counterparts, offering a sustainable solution to the rampant plastic waste problem.

These novel materials vary considerably in their properties and applications. Some bio-plastics, such as Polylactic Acid (PLA), serve as an excellent materials for packaging, replacing petroleum-based materials like polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Other bio-plastics, including Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), find extensive usage in agriculture and the medical industry due to their bio-transformative and biocompatible characteristics.

Potential Benefits of Bio-Plastic

Bio-plastics come with a plethora of benefits, especially when it comes to environmental sustainability. They significantly reduce reliance on fossil fuel resources for plastic production, driving down carbon emissions. They also offer a practical solution to the issue of plastic waste, given their capacity for bio-transformation.

Using bio-plastics contributes to a circular economy, where the end of one product’s life cycle can initiate another’s. In this model, waste doesn’t merely disappear; it transforms and reintegrates into the ecosystem, promoting resource efficiency and minimizing environmental impact.

Moreover, bio-plastic production often promotes rural development and job creation, as many raw materials, such as corn and sugarcane, come from agricultural sources. This economic benefit is another crucial aspect of bio-plastic potential.

Impacts on the Supplement Industry

The supplement industry, a rapidly growing sector in health and wellness, stands to gain significantly from bio-plastic. The industry, like many others, traditionally relies on petroleum-based plastic for packaging its various products, from vitamins to protein powders. However, the adoption of bio-plastic offers not only an eco-friendly alternative but also an opportunity to rebrand and align with the increasing consumer demand for sustainability.

Bio-plastic packaging in the supplement industry can ensure product safety and quality while reducing environmental footprint. For instance, using PLA for supplement packaging can maintain the product’s freshness while ensuring the packaging material can undergo bio-transformation post-use.

Furthermore, the use of bio-plastic can help supplement companies differentiate themselves in a crowded market, appealing to the growing segment of eco-conscious consumers. This commitment to sustainability could potentially increase brand loyalty and customer retention, benefiting businesses.

Plastic IQ Technology refers to your brand’s oxo-biodegradable plastic, which incorporates additives that induce the plastic to degrade after exposure to oxygen, heat, and light. This process involves breaking the plastic into small fragments and then further degrading it into water, carbon dioxide, and biomass under suitable environmental conditions.

On the other hand, traditional bio-plastics are made from renewable sources like corn, sugarcane, and cellulose, and they can undergo bio-transformation in specific environments. However, their degradation can sometimes be challenging, as certain bio-plastics require industrial composting facilities to break down effectively. In contrast, Plastic IQ Technology is designed to degrade in a broader range of environments, offering a more flexible solution.

Why Plastic IQ™  Technology Is Superior

The superior advantage of Plastic IQ Technology, as used in Biobottles™, lies in its versatility and efficiency. Here are a few key reasons:

  1. Broad Environment Degradability: Biobottles™  with Plastic IQ™  Technology can degrade in various environments, not solely in industrial composting facilities, as some bio-plastics require. This flexibility makes Plastic IQ™  a more adaptable and effective solution in various scenarios.
  2. Controlled Lifespan: With Plastic IQ™  Technology, you can control the lifespan of Biobottles™  based on the additive mixture used during production. This allows for a more precise and customizable approach to plastic degradation, which is not typically possible with traditional bio-plastics.
  3. Recyclable: Unlike some bio-plastics, Biobottles™  made with Plastic IQ™  Technology can be recycled with conventional plastic waste. This compatibility with existing recycling systems further reduces environmental impact.
  4. Cost-Effective: The production of bio-plastics can often be more expensive due to the cost of renewable resources and the production process. In contrast, Plastic IQ™  Technology offers a cost-effective alternative, making it a financially viable option for widespread use.

Advantages of Biobottles™ 

Biobottles™ , produced using Plastic IQ™  Technology, offer several significant advantages:

  1. Environmental Sustainability: Biobottles™  can degrade into non-toxic substances, reducing plastic waste and the associated environmental impact.
  2. Customizability: The degradability timeframe of Biobottles™  can be adjusted to suit specific needs, offering an adaptable solution.
  3. Recyclability: Biobottles fit seamlessly into existing recycling streams, promoting circular economy principles.
  4. Versatility: They can be used in various industries, including the supplement industry, for packaging products, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic bottles.

While both Plastic IQ™  Technology and bio-plastics aim to mitigate the environmental impact of plastic waste, Plastic IQ™  Technology, as used in Biobottles™, offers a more versatile, efficient, and adaptable solution, a superior choice for eco-conscious businesses and consumers.


Supplement companies can leverage the bio-plastic revolution to foster innovation. For example, developing edible or dissolvable bio-plastic capsules can revolutionize how consumers take dietary supplements. Such advancements could reduce packaging waste and enhance the user experience, creating a win-win situation for both the environment and consumers.

In conclusion, bio-plastic presents a groundbreaking opportunity for a more sustainable future, particularly in sectors like the supplement industry. Embracing bio-plastic makes environmental sense and aligns with an evolving business landscape where sustainability, innovation, and consumer preferences increasingly dictate success. As the world grapples with environmental challenges, adopting solutions such as bio-plastics becomes ever more critical. Through the adoption of bio-plastic, the supplement industry has a golden opportunity to contribute positively towards this global change. By making the switch, this industry can embody the much-needed shift towards sustainable practices, showing that profitability and environmental responsibility can indeed go hand-in-hand. Through such measures, the supplement industry can play a pivotal role in creating a sustainable, eco-friendly, and health-conscious future.

D2W Plastics News Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics Recycling Plastics

What Kind of Plastics Are Available as Biodegradable Plastics?

Biodegradable Plastics and Types Of Plastics

Plastics have become integral to modern life, with various types offering unique properties and applications. Among these, polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), and polypropylene (PP) are some of the most commonly used plastics in industries ranging from packaging to automotive components. While these materials offer numerous benefits, their environmental impact is a growing concern. Plastic pollution in the oceans is a pressing issue, and innovative technologies like PlasticIQ™ aim to address this problem by making plastics more sustainable through recycling and biodegradation strategies. This article delves into the history, uses, and environmental implications of these four types of plastics and their compatibility with PlasticIQ™ technology or biodegradable plastics.

PET Plastic: What It Is, Where It’s Used, and Its Impact on the Environment

PET, or polyethylene terephthalate, is a type of plastic that is lightweight and useful for many things. People first made PET in the 1940s, and it became popular in the 1970s for packaging things like food and drinks.

To make PET plastic, we mix and heat two special ingredients, ethylene glycol, and terephthalic acid. This process forms a strong material that can be shaped into many different things.

PET is used in many industries, including:

  • Food and drinks: It’s great for making bottles, containers, and trays to keep our food fresh.
  • Clothes: PET can be turned into fibers to make fabrics for clothing and other textiles.
  • Electronics: PET can be used in parts and coverings for gadgets like phones and computers.
  • Cars: PET is used in some car parts, making them lighter and more fuel-efficient.

The Bio-transforability of PET

One problem with PET is that it doesn’t break down naturally in the environment. This means it can pile up in landfills or end up in the ocean, causing pollution. The good news is that PET can be recycled. When we recycle PET, we give it a new life as another product, like fabric or packaging, which helps reduce its environmental impact.

PET plastic can cause pollution in the ocean when it’s not disposed of properly. In 2020, a group of people who clean up beaches found that plastic bottles, often made of PET, were one of the most common things they picked up. This shows that we need to be more careful about how we use and throw away PET plastic to keep our oceans clean.

In short, PET is a useful plastic that is used in many industries. However, it’s essential to be aware of its impact on the environment and work on finding better ways to use and recycle PET.

PET and Our Oceans

It is difficult to provide an exact percentage of PET plastic in the ocean, as plastic pollution data is often reported in terms of total plastic waste or categorized by product type rather than by specific plastic material. However, PET is known to be a significant contributor to plastic pollution in the oceans due to its widespread use in single-use products, particularly beverage bottles.

A study published in Science Advances in 2015 estimated that 8 million metric tons of plastic waste entered the ocean in 2010, with a significant portion coming from single-use plastic packaging. As PET is commonly used for this type of packaging, it is likely to account for a notable share of ocean plastic pollution.

Can Biobottles™ Create Bio-transfomative PET Plastics?

Bio-transfomable additives typically work better with polyolefins like low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and high-density polyethylene (HDPE). PET has a different chemical structure, which makes it less suitable for oxo-biodegradation.

Some plastics can be made to break down more easily with special additives, but it’s unclear if PET can be one of them. More research is needed to determine if we can make PET break down more easily and be less environmentally harmful. As of right now, it is not compatible with PlasticIQ technology and can not be made into bio-transformative plastics.

High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

A Closer Look at Its Production, Applications, and Environmental Impact.

High-density polyethylene, commonly known as HDPE, is a versatile and widely used plastic material. It was first developed in the 1950s and has since gained popularity due to its strength, durability, and lightweight properties. The production of HDPE involves a process called polymerization of ethylene, wherein heat and pressure are applied to create a long-chain polymer that forms the basis of HDPE plastic products.

HDPE is used extensively in various industries, including food and beverage packaging, personal care products, household items, and toys. Its applications in food and beverage packaging range from milk jugs and juice bottles to containers for various food products. In the personal care industry, HDPE is commonly used for packaging items such as shampoo, conditioner, and soap. Additionally, HDPE’s durability and strength make it an ideal material for household items like trash bags, storage containers, and toys for children.

Despite its numerous advantages, HDPE does have some drawbacks concerning its environmental impact. HDPE is not biodegradable, meaning it does not break down naturally in the environment. Instead, it accumulates in landfills and contributes to plastic pollution in oceans. However, HDPE is widely recyclable, which allows it to be repurposed into new products and helps to mitigate its environmental impact.

HDPE and Our Oceans

The exact contamination levels of HDPE in the oceans are difficult to quantify. However, it is known that HDPE contributes to plastic pollution in the oceans due to its widespread use, particularly in single-use products. Proper waste management, recycling, and using oxo-biodegradable additives can help mitigate the impact of HDPE on the environment.

Can Biobottles™ Create Bio-transformative HDPE Plastics?

HDPE can be made oxo-biodegradable using special additives in PlasticIQ™ technology.  These additives promote the breakdown of HDPE into smaller fragments when exposed to certain environmental conditions, such as sunlight, heat, and oxygen. Once broken down, microorganisms can consume these smaller fragments, ultimately converting the plastic into water, CO2, and biomass. This process makes HDPE with oxo-biodegradable additives a more environmentally friendly option.

In conclusion, HDPE is a versatile and widely used plastic material with applications across various industries. While it offers many advantages, its environmental impact cannot be ignored. HDPE’s non-biodegradable nature contributes to plastic pollution in landfills and oceans. However, recycling HDPE and using oxo-biodegradable additives can help to reduce its environmental impact and promote more sustainable waste management practices.

Low-density polyethylene (LDPE)

LDPE a widely used thermoplastic polymer known for its flexibility, transparency, and resilience. Developed in the 1930s, LDPE was the first polyethylene to be produced, and it remains an essential material in the plastic industry today. LDPE is created through the polymerization of ethylene gas at high pressure, which forms a long-chain polymer with a relatively low density.

LDPE is commonly used in various industries due to its flexibility and ease of processing. Some typical applications of LDPE include plastic bags, film wrap, food packaging, squeezable bottles, and flexible tubing. Its moisture-resistant and impermeable properties make it suitable for preserving and protecting perishable goods.

LDPE and Our Oceans

The amount of LDPE present in the oceans is difficult to determine, as plastic pollution data is often reported in terms of total plastic waste or categorized by product type rather than specific plastic material. Nevertheless, LDPE contributes to marine pollution through single-use products like plastic bags and packaging films. Proper waste management, recycling, and using biodegradable alternatives can help mitigate its environmental impact.

Can Biobottles™ Create Degradable LDPE Plastics?

Yes, PlasticIQ™ is a degradable additive designed primarily for polyolefin plastics, such as LDPE and HDPE. Adding to LDPE can make the plastic oxo-biodegradable, allowing it to break down into smaller fragments under certain environmental conditions, which microorganisms can then consume.

In conclusion, LDPE is a versatile and widely used plastic material with applications across various industries. Its history dates back to the 1930s, and it remains an essential plastic material.

Polypropylene (PP)

PP is a versatile thermoplastic polymer known for its durability, chemical resistance, and lightweight properties. It was first synthesized in the 1950s by Italian chemist Giulio Natta and German chemist Karl Rehn. Over the years, PP has become a popular material in various industries due to its performance and cost-effectiveness.

PP is used in various applications, including automotive components, packaging materials, textiles, reusable containers, and consumer goods. Its durability and chemical resistance make it suitable for long-lasting products and packaging that require protection from moisture or corrosive substances. PP is also used in the medical field for items like syringes and laboratory equipment due to its high melting point and sterilization capabilities.

Can Biobottles™ Create Degradable PP Plastic?

As for the compatibility of PP with PlasticIQ™ technology, there is compatibility. Our oxo-biodegradable additive is designed primarily for polyolefin plastics, such as PP, LDPE, and HDPE. PlasticIQ technology can make the plastic oxo-biodegradable when added to PP, allowing it to break down into smaller fragments under certain environmental conditions, which microorganisms can consume.

PP and Our Oceans

The amount of PP present in the oceans is difficult to determine. Plastic pollution data is often reported in terms of total plastic waste or categorized by product type rather than specific plastic material. However, PP contributes to marine pollution, particularly through single-use products like disposable cutlery, straws, and packaging materials. Proper waste management, recycling, and using biodegradable alternatives can help mitigate its environmental impact.

In conclusion, polypropylene is a versatile and widely used plastic material with applications across various industries. Its history dates back to the 1950s, and it remains an essential plastic material. PP contributes to ocean pollution, but innovative technologies like PlasticIQ can potentially improve its environmental impact through recycling and biodegradation strategies.

What are Biobottles™ Exactly?

News Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics

Are BioBottles™ And Plastic IQ™ Technology Safe?

A Solution To Pollution

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the negative impact that plastic waste is having on our planet. Plastic waste is harming our oceans, wildlife, and ecosystems. Bio-transformative plastics offer a potential solution to this problem. BioBottles™, in particular, are an innovative product that addresses these concerns. They are designed to be safe for humans, animals, the ocean, the land, and the environment.

Clean Technology

BioBottles™ are made from a bio-transformative plastic. This means they contain a pro-degradant additive that helps break down the plastic into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces are then bio-transformed by microorganisms, which consume the plastic and convert it into harmless substances like water, CO2, and biomass. Unlike traditional plastics, which can take hundreds of years to break down, BioBottles™ can bio-transform within a few years.

Biobottles™ use everyday, durable, hard plastics that are no different from what you are used to. The only difference is what happens to them after the consumer throws the product away.

Tested & Safe

One of the primary reasons why BioBottles™ are safe for humans is because they are made from food-grade compliant materials. The FDA has verified that these materials do not contain any harmful chemicals that could leach into the contents of the bottle. This means that consumers can use BioBottles™ with confidence, knowing that they are not exposing themselves to any harmful substances.


In addition, BioBottles™ are designed to be safe for animals. When traditional plastics break down, they can release toxic chemicals into the environment. These chemicals can be harmful to wildlife, which may accidentally ingest them or become entangled in plastic waste. BioBottles™, on the other hand, break down into harmless substances, which means that they do not pose a threat to animals or their habitats in the long term like traditional plastics.

The Ocean

BioBottles™ are also safe for the ocean. Plastic waste is a major problem for our oceans, and it is estimated that there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050 if current trends continue. Traditional plastics can take hundreds of years to break down, and during this time, they can cause significant harm to marine life. BioBottles™, however, break down much more quickly and do not pose a threat to the ocean or its inhabitants.

The Land

Similarly, BioBottles™ are safe for the land. Traditional plastics that end up in landfills can take hundreds of years to break down, and during this time, they can release toxic chemicals into the soil. This can lead to soil contamination, which can harm plants and other organisms that rely on the soil for survival. BioBottles™, however, break down much more quickly and do not pose a threat to the land or its inhabitants.

The Environment

Finally, BioBottles™ are safe for the environment as a whole. Plastic waste is one of the biggest environmental challenges we face today, and it is important to find ways to reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in our landfills, oceans, and other natural environments. BioBottles™ offer a sustainable solution to this problem. They are designed to break down into harmless substances, which means that they do not contribute to the accumulation of plastic waste in our environment.

In Conclusion

BioBottles™ are a safe and innovative product that addresses some of the biggest environmental challenges we face today. They are designed to be safe for humans, animals, the ocean, the land, and the environment. By using BioBottles™, we can reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in our natural environment and contribute to a more sustainable future.


D2W Plastics News Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics Recycling Plastics

Revolutionizing the Supplement Industry with Bio-Transformative Supplement Bottles

A Comprehensive Guide to Plastic IQ™ Technology and Bio-Transformative Plastics in the World of Supplement Packaging


The world has seen a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products in recent years. The supplement industry is no exception. With an increasing number of consumers opting for green alternatives, biodegradable supplement bottles have become a popular choice. This comprehensive guide addresses every question related to the technology, safety, and sustainability of degradable supplement bottles, specifically those made with Plastic IQ Technology. This trademarked solution uses oxy-biodegradable plastics.

Section 1: Understanding Degradable Supplement Bottles

1.1: What are Degradable Supplement Bottles?

Our supplement bottles are containers designed for storing supplements such as vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts. Unlike traditional plastic bottles, they break down naturally when exposed to environmental elements, reducing the amount of plastic waste in our landfills and oceans. Using PlasticIQ™ Technology, these bottles employ oxy-biodegradable plastics, a unique material that accelerates the degradation process.

1.2: How Does Plastic IQ™ Technology Work?

Plastic IQ™ Technology is a proprietary method that uses a special additive to create Bio-Transformative plastics. This additive, when incorporated into the plastic during manufacturing, allows the plastic to degrade when exposed to oxygen and sunlight. The degradation process transforms the plastic into small fragments, which are then consumed by microorganisms, breaking them down into water, carbon dioxide, and biomass. This process helps minimize the environmental impact of plastic waste.

Section 2: The Benefits of Degradable Bottles

2.1: Environmental Impact

Using degradable plastics has a significant positive impact on the environment. Traditional plastic bottles can take hundreds of years to break down, contributing to the ever-growing plastic waste problem. On the other hand, degradable supplement bottles breakdown much more quickly, reducing plastic waste in landfills and oceans. By choosing Plastic IQ™ Technology, companies are making a conscious decision to support a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.

2.2: Cost-Effectiveness

One of the most significant advantages of Plastic IQ™ Technology is its cost-effectiveness. The production cost of degradable supplement bottles using this technology is comparable to that of traditional plastic bottles. This means businesses can switch to a more sustainable packaging solution without incurring additional expenses, making it a viable option for companies of all sizes.

2.3: Consumer Appeal

The growing demand for sustainable products has led to increased interest in degradable supplement bottles. Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious and actively seek out eco-friendly options. By offering degradable supplement bottles, companies can attract a broader customer base and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.

Section 3: Safety and Regulations

3.1: Safety Concerns

Safety is a top priority when it comes to supplement packaging. Degradable supplement bottles made using Plastic IQ™ Technology are as safe as traditional plastic bottles. The Bio-Transformative plastics in these bottles undergo extensive testing to ensure they meet strict safety standards for food-grade packaging materials.

3.2: Regulatory Compliance

Degradable supplement bottles made with Plastic IQ™ Technology adhere to all relevant industry regulations and guidelines. These bottles’ manufacturing processes, materials, and additives comply with international standards, ensuring businesses can confidently switch to this sustainable packaging solution.

Section 4: Implementing Bio-Transformative Supplement Bottles

4.1: Assessing Your Business Needs

Before transitioning to degradable supplement bottles, assessing your business’s specific needs is essential. Consider factors such as your target market, the types of supplements you offer, and your production capacity. Understanding these factors will help you determine if degradable supplement bottles are the right choice for your business.

4.2: Collaborating with a Reliable Manufacturer

To successfully implement degradable supplement bottles, partner with a reputable manufacturer that specializes in Plastic IQ™ Technology. Working with an experienced manufacturer ensures that your bottles are produced using the highest quality materials and meet all safety and regulatory requirements.

4.3: Marketing Your Bio-Transformative Supplement Bottles

Once you’ve implemented degradable supplement bottles, promoting your eco-friendly packaging to consumers is important. Highlight the benefits of Plastic IQ™ Technology and the environmental advantages of degradable supplement bottles. Emphasize that your company is committed to sustainability, and share your efforts with your target audience through various marketing channels.

Degradable supplement bottles made with Plastic IQ™ Technology offer an innovative and eco-friendly packaging solution for the supplement industry. Companies can significantly reduce their environmental impact by opting for these bottles without sacrificing quality, safety, or affordability. As the demand for sustainable products

Emadian, S. M., Onay, T. T., & Demirel, B. (2017). Biodegradation of bioplastics in natural environments. Waste Management, 59, 526-536.

Niaounakis, M. (2017). Biopolymers: Applications and trends. William Andrew.

Tokiwa, Y., Calabia, B. P., Ugwu, C. U., & Aiba, S. (2009). Biodegradability of plastics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 10(9), 3722-3742.

Vert, M., Doi, Y., Hellwich, K. H., Hess, M., Hodge, P., Kubisa, P., Rinaudo, M., & Schué, F. (2012). Terminology for biorelated polymers and applications (IUPAC Recommendations 2012). Pure and Applied Chemistry, 84(2), 377-410.

European Bioplastics. (2020). Bioplastics market data 2020.

D2W Plastics Oxy-Biodegradable Plastics Recycling Plastics

Plastic IQ™ VS. Traditional Plastic

Plastic IQ™ vs. Traditional Plastic: Understanding the Basics

Plastic is a ubiquitous material that we use in our daily lives. From the packaging of our food and drinks to the parts in our electronic devices, plastic is everywhere. However, with its widespread use comes an increasing concern over its environmental impact. Traditional plastic is made from non-renewable fossil fuels, takes hundreds of years to decompose, and is a major contributor to pollution and waste.

Enter Plastic IQ™ – a new type of plastic that aims to solve these problems. Plastic IQ™ is a bio-transformative plastic alternative made from natural materials such as cornstarch and sugarcane. Unlike traditional plastic, Plastic IQ™ can break down naturally over time, reducing its environmental impact. Plastic IQ™ can be a more sustainable option for industries that rely heavily on plastic, such as packaging and manufacturing.

In addition to its environmental benefits, Plastic IQ™ offers other advantages over traditional plastic. For example, it can be molded into various shapes and sizes, making it versatile and suitable for different applications. Plastic IQ™ is also safe for food packaging, as it does not contain harmful chemicals that could leach into the food.

Plastic IQ is a viable alternative to traditional plastic that offers a range of benefits for both the environment and industry. By understanding the basics of Plastic IQ and its advantages over traditional plastic, we can take steps towards a more sustainable and responsible use of plastic in our daily lives.

The Benefits of Plastic IQ over Traditional Plastic

Plastic IQ™ is a bio-transformative plastic alternative that offers numerous benefits over traditional plastic. One of the most significant advantages is its positive impact on the environment. Unlike traditional plastic, which takes hundreds of years to decompose and can harm wildlife and ecosystems, Plastic IQ™ can break down naturally over time. This means it can be a more sustainable option for industries that rely heavily on plastic, such as packaging and manufacturing.

Another benefit of Plastic IQ™ is its versatility. It can be molded into various shapes and sizes, making it suitable for different applications. Plastic IQ™ can be customized to fit your needs, whether you need it for food packaging, electronic devices, or construction materials. This makes it an ideal choice for businesses looking for a more flexible and adaptable material.

In addition to its environmental and versatility benefits, Plastic IQ also offers cost savings. While the initial production costs may be higher than traditional plastic, Plastic IQ can be more cost-effective in the long run. For example, by using PlasticIQ in food packaging, businesses can reduce waste and avoid potential fines for using non- Bio Transformative materials. Moreover, because Plastic IQ can be produced from natural materials, it can be less dependent on fluctuating oil prices, reducing cost volatility risk.

Plastic IQ offers a range of benefits over traditional plastic, including environmental sustainability, versatility, and cost savings. By choosing Plastic IQ over traditional plastic, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to responsible and sustainable practices while enjoying the advantages of a more flexible and adaptable material.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of plastic is a growing concern, as traditional plastic can take hundreds of years to decompose, leading to pollution and waste. Plastic IQ™, on the other hand, is a bio-transformative plastic alternative that aims to reduce the impact of plastic on the environment. Made from natural materials such as cornstarch and sugarcane, Plastic IQ™ can break down naturally over time, reducing its environmental impact.

Plastic IQ™ can also help to reduce waste. As it can be broken down naturally, Plastic IQ™ can be composted or recycled, providing a circular approach to plastic use. This is in contrast to traditional plastic, which often ends up in landfills or the ocean, where it can harm wildlife and ecosystems.

In conclusion, Plastic IQ™ offers a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional plastic. Its biodegradability, lower carbon footprint, and ability to reduce waste make it a viable option for businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact. By choosing Plastic IQ™, businesses can take a step towards more responsible and sustainable use of plastic while also enjoying the benefits of a versatile and adaptable material.

How to Choose the Right Type of Plastic for Your Needs: Factors to Consider

When it comes to choosing the right type of plastic for your needs, there are several factors to consider. The first thing to consider is the application for which the plastic will be used. Are you looking for a material that can withstand high temperatures, resist chemicals, or provide electrical insulation? Depending on the application, different types of plastics may be more suitable than others.

Another factor to consider is the environmental impact of plastic. Traditional plastic is made from non-renewable fossil fuels and can take hundreds of years to decompose, contributing to pollution and waste. On the other hand, bio-transformative alternatives like Plastic IQ™ can break down naturally over time and have a lower environmental impact. By choosing a more sustainable material, you can demonstrate your commitment to responsible and environmentally friendly practices.

Cost is another important factor to consider. While traditional plastic may be cheaper in the short term, it may not be the most cost-effective option in the long run. For example, if you’re using plastic for food packaging, you may face fines for using non bio-transformative materials. Using a more sustainable alternative like Plastic IQ™ can avoid these fines and potentially reduce your overall costs.

Lastly, you should consider the regulations and standards that apply to your industry. Depending on your location and the nature of your business, there may be specific regulations or guidelines for the types of plastic you can use. For example, certain plastics may need to meet strict safety and quality standards in the medical industry.

Real-World Examples and Case Studies

Plastic waste has become a major environmental issue in recent years, with millions of tons of plastic ending up in landfills and oceans each year. This has led to a growing interest in sustainable packaging solutions, and Plastic IQ™ is one company that is leading the way in this area. Here are some real-world examples of how Plastic IQ’s™ sustainable packaging solutions can help the environment:

Here are some Examples

  1. Increased recyclability: Plastic IQ’s™ products are fully recyclable. Making it easier for consumers and businesses to reduce their waste and contribute to a circular economy. By using recycled materials in their products, PlasticIQ™ is also reducing the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills or oceans.
  2. Reduced use of single-use plastics: Plastic IQ™ offers a range of reusable and compostable products, such as containers, labels, and lids, which can help reduce the amount of single-use plastics used in everyday life. This reduces the amount of plastic waste generated and helps preserve natural resources.
  3. Improved product protection: Plastic IQ’s™ products are designed to be durable and protect products during transportation and storage. This reduces the likelihood of products being damaged or wasted, which can contribute to a more sustainable supply chain.
  4. Increased consumer awareness: By using sustainable packaging solutions, businesses can raise awareness among consumers about the importance of reducing plastic waste and protecting the environment. This can help to shift consumer behavior towards more sustainable choices and contribute to a more environmentally conscious society.

Plastic IQ’s sustainable packaging solutions offer a range of benefits for the environment. From reducing carbon emissions to increasing recyclability and reducing the use of single-use plastics. By switching to Plastic IQ, businesses and consumers can contribute to a more sustainable future and help preserve our planet for generations to come.

Making the Switch to Plastic IQ™

Switching to Plastic IQ™ could be a smart move if you’re looking to transition to more sustainable packaging options. Biobottles™ offers a range of eco-friendly products made from fully recyclable materials.

When you choose Plastic IQ™, you’re helping the environment and demonstrating your commitment to sustainability to your customers. By using sustainable packaging, you can reduce your carbon footprint and appeal to increasingly environmentally conscious consumers.

Our products are available in various shapes and sizes, making them suitable for various applications. They’re also durable and can protect your products during transportation and storage.

If you’re concerned about the cost of transitioning to sustainable packaging, don’t worry. Biobottles’s™ products are competitively priced and can help you save money in the long run. Reducing waste and minimizing the need for frequent replacements.

In summary, switching to Plastic IQ can help you achieve your sustainability goals while improving your bottom line. With their range of eco-friendly products, competitive pricing, and durability. Plastic IQ Technology is a great choice for businesses looking to transition to sustainable packaging.


  1. Smith, J. (2021). Sustainable Packaging: Why it Matters and How to Make the Switch. Retrieved from
  2. PlasticIQ. (2021). Products. Retrieved from
  3. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2021). Reducing and Reusing Basics. Retrieved from
  4. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation. (2021). The New Plastics Economy: Rethinking the Future of Plastics. Retrieved from